Design Safety Of Outdoor Step Treads
The stairs has always been the part of architecture as long as we can see in the past. Stairs are the one of the piece of architecture which have been evolving into different types and category but still maintains its original shape and functionality. Even with advancement in architectural and materials sciences, stairs still managed to maintains its integrity with its ancestral design. But while designing the good stairs, the treads are most important part of the stairs due to dependency of stair’s utility is completely dependent on treads design and their durability. These treads should be engineered to serve the purpose of the stairs as per their location and function. Especially when outdoor stairs are design then Outdoor Step tread should also be made according to the utility. Following factors should be considered while designing Outdoor Step treads
- Dimensions of step treads are the key element. As these dimensions, gave the shape and strength to the treads for their functionality. These dimensions also make the steps convenient and safe for use. For instance, conventionally the standard height of tread is 7 Inches and if the height will be adjusted 0.5 inch or more then it can be a possibility that a person can trip while moving upwards or downwards. Because of habit people are used-to of walking on standardized tread height, so if someone is blindly walking on stairs of non-standard tread’s height. This can cause difficulty to see the difference of height with naked eye and that can result into falling. So height of treads is the factor which is always tried to be kept on standard norms as a precautionary measure for convenience of people.
- The length or can be termed as “Run” of tread define the effectivity of steps treads. Convention is to use 10 inches to 12 inches. As most of the people foot size falls under this length. This provide the complete support to the feet while going on down. Using minimum of this length helps to lace foot properly on ground and avoid the risk of over/short stepping
- Material of treads is only element which defines its utility and effects it durability also. In case of outdoor step treads Melbourne, material should be chosen peculiarly as following factors
- The area where these steps will going to be used and frequency of people using these steps
- The effect of external factors like Sun, rain or wind and how to minimize their effects on treads
- The pattern or texture for treads also plays critical role, as they can help to increase the stability of treads
- Those materials should be preferred which should have longer durability and required lesser maintenance
- The paint or polish of material also plays vital role in their functionality. For example, waterproof paint can help material to dry off quickly and make it safer for use in case of wet environment.
- Concrete, Stone, Wood, aluminum and other metals are widely used for making outdoor step treads as per their utility