What Are The Top Benefits Of Having Goat Milk For Infants?
Nowadays, parents are looking for organic or natural baby formula or goat’s milk formula for their new born or infants. However, it is very important to understand that nothing can beat the quality and nutrition value of breast milk. So, mothers should always prefer giving their baby breast milk unless and until there is some problem. The breast milk is best for new born till they become a year old. However, due to certain problems parents can choose goat’s milk over breast milk for their baby, but it should be noted that even goat’s milk can’t provide the essential food value that a baby can get from mother. Let’s share some top benefits of goat’s milk for infants:
Less lactose compared to cow’s milk
It’s a common belief that goats milk formula can help the baby if the baby is allergic to cow’s milk or if lactose intolerant. You need to come out of the belief that goat’s milk that it is lactose free. Goat’s milk is not lactose free, but the level of lactose is little less than cow’s milk.
Easy to digest for infants
The main benefit of goat’s milk is for those babies who are allergic to cow’s milk or other type of formula food. However, the proportion of allergenic protein in goat’s milk is less and thus babies can digest it easily. The digestion helps them to absorb the essential nutrients easily and improve health faster. So, along with breast milk parents can use a perfect natural baby formula for a better result.
Contains Vitamin in high amount
The Vitamin C and A present in goat’s milk compared to cow’s milk. These essential vitamins are very much needful for the overall development of the infants. The vitamin A helps in improving the eye sight of the baby and formation of skin, while vitamin C allows protection against the deficiencies of immune system. Vitamin C also keeps the teeth and gum in proper condition and helps in developing the bones and tissues.
Plenty of natural minerals
The amount of natural minerals like calcium, magnesium, etc. is more in goat’s milk than the cow’s milk formula. Calcium helps in bone formation, while magnesium contributes towards healthy heart and strengthens the immune system.
Lower cholesterol amount
The concentration of cholesterol in goat’s milk is less than cow’s milk. In 100 g of standard cow’s milk, almost 14mg of cholesterol is present. On the flip side, the amount of cholesterol in goat’s milk is 11 mg. It has been observed that good cholesterol needs to be present in the milk for the overall development of the body. Here you need to know one thing; regularly providing only goat’s milk will not supply the essential vitamin B6 and folic acid. So, at the same time breast milk should also be given to the new born.